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  • Welcome~Shanghai Shengda
      Tel:021-33517332 English 中文版

    Organizational structure


      Mr. Su Zongqiu, chairman of Shengda Enterprise, is an expert enterprise manager and industry leader of environmental protection synthetic materials in China. He led a professional, capable and technological imagination team. Under his charismatic leadership, the team and products are at the forefront of the world. 

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           With the rapid growth of enterprises, Mr. Su Zongqiu has paid more attention to and shouldered more corporate social responsibility. He was awarded the title of "Double Supporting Model Advanced Individual". The company is a private enterprise of Armed Forces authorized by the Shanghai Police Region, thus undertaking the corresponding responsibilities of national defense and social security. The company has developed a large number of leading jobs in the fields of environmental protection, consumers and employment of disabled people in the community. Shengda Brand is the source of environmental protection and love in the region.


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    International Division    The International Trade Team was established in 1999. Since its establishment and development, it has been joined by many returnee sales elites from France and the United States. The core team is deeply trusted by L'Oreal, Coty, P&G , Shiseido and other customers. They can directly participate in the research and development of supply products and terminal design. The two sides have the tacit understanding cooperation for 17 years. The company's products are sold to France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, Japan,Thailand, India, the United States, Mexico ,Argentina , Egypt and more than ten countries.


    Domestic Division    In 2017, the main sales team of "Dakang" series medical care oral cavity instrument box products will realize new packaging and set out with a new look. At present, the domestic market share of the products has reached 70%, and more than 90% of the products are maintained in East China all the year round. It is the first choice for professional dentists.


            Science and Technology Research Center of Shengda:The center has a number of functions including polymer material test, mold design and manufacturing, international research and development information collection, analysis and testing, with hundreds of scientific researchers and advanced instruments and equipment, has its own international industry information exchange channel, which is the first-class research and development and information exchange center in east China.

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            Hi-Polymer Technology Center:It is composed of more than 50 senior researchers, which guarantees the leading position and technological content of Shengda enterprises in the fields of Hi-polymer material technology development, new product launch in Synthetic latex field, environmental protection and degradability of materials. Hi-polymer Laboratory has been awarded the collective title of Shanghai Labor Model.

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